Steve Fredrick


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The content of this site, including the text and photographs, are the exclusive property of Steve Fredrick.   
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Gallery: Rotorfest

Here are some images from RotorFest 2008. Many of the participants were at previous shows. But there were a few new participants as well.

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N62575  Hughes OH-6A N44EK Robinson R44 N37LA Robinson R22 Beta
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BELL 47 Helicopter N206JR Bell 206B. N404AD Bell 206B
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Experimental SkyFOX Chopper 29 SkyFOX Chopper 29
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20081011_Rotofest_129.jpg (23325 bytes)

Black Dagger Jump Plane Black Dagger Jump Plane

Black Daggers Streamer Drop

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Black Daggers Combat Equipment Parachute Jump Black Daggers Combat Equipment Parachute Jump Black Daggers Combat Equipment Parachute Jump

Here is a link to the U.S. Army Special Operations Command Parachute Demonstration
Team, the Black Daggers home page.

Go to:
Main RotorFest 2005 Page
Rotofest 2009 Page