Steve Fredrick


Copyright ©2000-2011

The content of this site, including the text and photographs, are the exclusive property of Steve Fredrick.   
This means you are welcome to view and enjoy; however,  you do NOT have rights to copy, store, print, or republish any of the content without the written permission of Steve Fredrick.

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Gallery: RotorFest

Every year in mid-October the American Helicopter Museum, located near Brandywine Airport in West Chester, PA; hosts RotorFest. This event is billed as a helicopter only event. 

Below are some images from the 2005 show. 

Here is a link to some images from the 2008 show.

Here is a link to some images from the 2009 show.

Here is a link to some images from the 2011 show.

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Medical Blackhawk


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N404AD Bell 206B

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N206JR Bell 206B.

Hughes 369A


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Images from the:
2008 RotorFest show
2009 RotorFest show

Eurocopter (MBB)