Steve Fredrick



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Covered Bridges of Central Chester County

Doe Run

Hayes Clark Bridge

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Together the Mary Ann Pyle Bridge and Hayes Clark are called the twin bridges.  Both utilized Queenpost constructions and both are located on the Laurel Reserve.

Buck Run

Mary Ann Pyle Bridge

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This bridge is also known as Speakman Bridge #2.    It is about 1/4 mile from Hayes Clark and is also in the Laurel Reserve.


Mary Ann Pyle CB October 2006
Oct 2006

A couple of years later and some much needed maintenance that included a new coat of paint. Between the new paint and the growth around it, it is hard to believe that it's the same bridge.

Speakman's Bridge


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Speakman's crosses Buck Run about one and a half miles upstream of the  Mary Ann Pyle Bridge.

Octoraro Creek

Mercer's Bridge

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Mercer's is one of two remaining bridges that cross the Octoraro Creek.  They both link Chester and Lancaster Counties.  The other bridge is Pine Grove (see Southern Chester Co).

Brandywine Creek (East Branch)

Harmony Hill or Gibson's Bridge

Of  the 11 covered bridges that once crossed the Brandywine this is the only one remaining.

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This bridge has recently had some repairs and a new coat of paint. 

20070119_HarmonyHillCB_0103.jpg (52639 bytes)        Harmony Hill CB October 2007
Jan 2007                                            Oct 2007

Marsh Creek Park

Larkin's Bridge

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Larkin's is no longer in use.   When Marsh Creek reservoir was built, around 1972, this bridge was moved to an undeveloped part of the park.   It's original site is now 50-60 feet underwater.  (The rest of this paragraph is old information, see below.) The bridge is not in the best of shape and sits in an open field and is overgrown with weeds.  It crossing a very small creek that is often dry.

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In 2006 Larkin's was "moved" once again. "Moved" in quotes because it wasn't moved in tact but torn down and rebuilt in a new location. It now sits outside a housing development, Byers Station. But only a fraction of it's original timbers were used. See the Larkin Page for pictures showing how the old timbers were integrated with new wood. It's new location is now outside of Marsh Creek State Park at the intersection of Station Blvd and Graphite Mine Rd. (From Rt 100 go to where you would turn off to go to Marsh Creek SP.  Instead of turning on Park Rd., turn the other direction onto Station Blvd. Larkin's is up a block or so.)

To view pictures of bridges in other parts of Chester County follow the following links.

Northeast Chester County       Southern Chester Co

Or use these to go back to

Covered  Bridges    Chester County CB     Landscape        Home

Hayes Clark Bridge 39° 55.196N 75° 47.913W
Mary Ann Pyle 39° 55.303N 75° 48.000W
Laurels Preserve* Parking Lot 39* 54.065N 75° 47.832W
Speakman's Bridge 39° 55.746N 75° 49.367W
Mercer's Mill 39° 55.879N 75° 58.864W
Gibson's (Harmony Hill) 39° 58.536N 75° 40.992W
Larkin 40° 04.913N 75° 41.121W

*Laurels Reserve is private property managed by the Brandywine Conservancy.